Frequently Asked Questions
These new websites make my eyes cross. Just tell me the options to work with you simply.
Spontaneous Yoga Membership is $1.00 for your first month with the code HEART. $20 per month afterwards. Cancel anytime. You get weekly live spontaneous yoga classes and instant access to a library of classes with a wealth of yoga and healing information and practices.
Spontaneous Shift is eight private online sessions with Dr. Liz, the dose of yoga recommended to shift long standing patterns. Sessions are each one hour, online. Once you purchase a package, you will be prompted to schedule your sessions in the online scheduler. Payment plans available.
Yoga Science options are flexible. I teach workshops for regular folks, yoga science for yoga teacher trainings, and consult on yoga research. I discuss pricing in a free consultation with you. Please have the scope, budget, and tentative dates ready prior to your free consultation.
Keep in touch with me by signing up for my newsletter.
Read my blog for personal stories, yoga, science, and healing.
When do you teach breath?
I teach the breath that changed my life every time I teach. I teach it in live online group classes, private sessions, and even in my yoga science classes.
Is it ok for me to book a free consultation?
Yes, free consultations are for those interested in yoga science with me. Yoga science may include group workshops, yoga science content, or yoga research consulting. Please have the scope, budget, and timing of your project ready at the time of your free consultation with me.
If you‘re interested in private sessions, but not sure if working with me is right for you, take class! Sign up for Spontaneous Yoga Membership. Your first month is $1.00 with the code HEART. Taking class is a great way to get to know how I work.
Are your classes accessible?
The way I practice and teach is different for each person, every day. You can practice standing, sitting, or lying down. You can switch positions in the middle of class. I give several options for each posture/movement, and each person chooses the option that is right for them. I also leave space in the class for you to allow your body to move spontaneously.
When I teach, I thoroughly describe each movement so you do not have to look at the screen unless you want to. Feel free to turn your camera off. I use zoom for live classes, which has a captions option. The on demand videos do not have captions, yet.
Is it just a free for all? If everyone does what is right for them, why have a teacher at all?
It takes great skill as a teacher to address many needs at once. I teach body awareness and healthy joint movement, using science and yoga. I also help people feel their own bodily wisdom through meditation and my teaching presence.
Many people find they move in ways they didn’t know they could, find muscles they haven’t used in a long time, and access wisdom they didn’t know they had.
Do I have to be flexible? What if I don’t have a “yoga body?”
Every body is a yoga body! You do not have to be a certain way to practice yoga. You can practice standing, sitting, or lying down. Options will be given for each way of being throughout class. If you’re in a private session, it will be tailored for your body.
What if something doesn’t feel right?
I usually give several different options for each movement/posture. I often notice if something is not working for you and will offer other options. If something doesn’t feel right, and I don’t notice, you can stop, make the movement smaller, or choose a different movement.
If you feel comfortable doing so, you’re always welcome to just say, ‘this doesn’t feel right,’ even if you’re in a group setting with me. It usually benefits the whole group to see another option in action. We honor each body’s needs as a community.
You can also give me feedback via the chat section of zoom or right before or after class. Spontaneous Yoga Members and private session students can email me their thoughts, questions, and feedback about their yoga practice any time.
What do I need in order to do yoga with you?
All you need for yoga is you! To practice live with me, you need a phone or computer with an internet connection. The link to join your session will come by email after you schedule yourself in the members area of Spontaneous Yoga Membership. Please schedule your live classes at least 10 minutes in advance. You can schedule multiple classes at once, and there is no penalty for missing a class.
You can also purchase Spontaneous Shift to work one on one with me.
Is Spontaneous Yoga Membership really $1.00?
Yep. I want as many people who want to try Spontaneous Yoga. Moving from my heart took me places my mind never dreamed of. I am stronger, healthier, and more loving than I knew was possible.
It sounds unbelievable. I’m not asking anyone to believe me. Spontaneous Yoga is based in science, as well as yoga tradition. In science we ask questions, try things, and see what works. I want people to have the time and space to try moving from their heart and see what happens for them.
Use the code HEART at checkout to get your first month for $1.00. After that, yoga membership is $20 per month. You can cancel your own membership at any time. You are responsible for cancelling your membership yourself. Learn more about Spontaneous Yoga Membership here.
Can I cancel my membership?
Yes, cancel your membership anytime. You are responsible for doing so yourself. Here’s how to cancel it.
Log into your customer account.
Click Account, then click Memberships.
Click the member area you want to cancel your membership to.
If you have remaining payments: click Go manage subscription. Otherwise, move to the next step.
Click Cancel subscription, then click Cancel subscription again to confirm.
When you cancel your membership, you’ll keep access to gated content for the remainder of the billing cycle. At the end of the billing cycle, your account fully expires. You'll still have access to your customer account, but navigation links to members-only content won't display.
Why do you sell Spontaneous Shift?
I want eight sessions over two to three months to be accessible to as many people as possible. Selling the sessions as a package balances accessibility with me making a living. You can pay all at once or in a payment plan.
I also find that the commitment to practice together for two to three months is powerfully healing. It gives us time to get through the honeymoon phase of trying something new, students stop trying to please me, and we get to the places that are really stuck.
Eight sessions over two to three months helps shift long standing patterns. I provide support over time as your body, energy, and life shift, rather than simply being a catalyst for a pleasant, but short lived experience.
Learn more about private sessions here.
Ok, but why do you sell eight sessions together?
Eight sessions over two to three months is my best guess as to the dose of yoga required to shift long standing patterns and jump start the healing process. I have based this guess in science, my experience as a clinician, and my experience teaching yoga to thousands of students over many years. Learn more about private sessions here.
You’re talking a lot about science. Where are your peer reviewed references?
Thanks for asking! Please visit my Yoga Research Summary blog. The references are at the bottom of the page.
How can I learn more?
Come to class! Your first month of Spontaneous Yoga Membership is $1.00 with the code HEART. I hope to meet you soon. You can cancel anytime.
Learn more about private sessions here.
If you are interested in group workshops, yoga science content, or yoga research consulting, book a free consultation. Please have the scope, budget, and timing of your project ready at the time of your free consultation with me.
Read my blog for personal stories, yoga, science, and healing.
Stay connected with me by signing up for my newsletter.
Like, comment, follow, subscribe, and share my work on Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube. You can also message and DM me there. It make take 48 hours to get back to you on social media.
Your first month is $1.00
with the code HEART.
Spontaneous Yoga Membership includes live online classes and a library of over 40 recorded classes. Topics include breath, low back pain, pelvic floor, yoga to aid the respiratory system, neck and shoulder stiffness and much more. Breath Changes Everything included.
Cancel anytime.