Healing Breath
Spontaneous Healing and Dr. Liz’s long covid recovery story.
Hi, I’m Dr. Liz. I practiced yoga for twenty years, taught yoga for a decade, learned from yoga masters, taught yoga teachers, and got two graduate degrees. I thought I knew about breath.
You could say I was cocky about breath. I thought I had it. Breath was beginner stuff.
Then, I got what was most likely covid in March of 2020. After six weeks of a low grade fever, I could get out of bed. But, I had to stop to catch my breath at the top of a flight of stairs. If I talked too fast while teaching, I had to stop, embarrassed, chest heaving, face blue.
Keep reading for my whole story. Research supports what I discovered.
Take class and learn what I found below.
Spontaneous Healing
For chronic fatigue, post viral syndrome, and long covid. Short videos and gentle recorded yoga classes.
One time sliding scale fee.
$50 pay for yourself and others, no code needed.
Pay $25 for yourself with the code HEAL.
Use the code FREE to get it for free.
If you need it, please take it.
Spontaneous Yoga Membership
Includes Spontaneous Healing
Live online Spontaneous Yoga classes Tuesdays and Thursday mornings 7:30 AM EST/4:30 AM PST
Live online Breath and Gentle Movement classes Wednesday evenings 7:30 PM EST/4:30 PM PST
Recorded daily practices and workshops.
Email support.
$20 per month
Your first month is $1.00 with the code HEART. Cancel anytime.
I was one of the lucky ones.
I got to walk up that set of stairs, to teach,
but I wasn’t the strong, vital person I was before.
Things that had been easy floored me for days.
Vacuuming, standing to wash dishes, walking my dog all cost me. I had to be stingy, conserving energy whenever I could. I had long covid.
My neck muscles bulged from trying get air into my lungs, the only thing that had gotten stronger. As a healer, I knew that I had to get my breath back on track or I would continue to deteriorate. It was the first thing I taught my patients and students. I had to teach myself how to breathe again, through my nose, using my whole diaphragm.

Spontaneous Healing
For chronic fatigue, post viral syndrome, and long covid. Short videos and gentle recorded yoga classes.
One time sliding scale fee.
$50 pay for yourself and others, no code needed.
Pay $25 for yourself with the code HEAL.
Use the code FREE to get it for free.
If you need it, please take it.
Spontaneous Yoga Membership
Includes Spontaneous Healing
Live online Spontaneous Yoga classes Tuesdays and Thursday mornings 7:30 AM EST/4:30 AM PST
Live online Breath and Gentle Movement classes Wednesday evenings 7:30 PM EST/4:30 PM PST
Recorded daily practices and workshops.
Email support.
$20 per month
Your first month is $1.00 with the code HEART. Cancel anytime.
I had to teach myself to breathe again.
It was unexpectedly life changing
Using my whole diaphragm changed my life. It sounds like a science thing, and it was.
I discovered the terrible rib pain I’d had for years was an old injury that had never healed.
My core strength and balance improved.
Chronic back pain (that I’d used yoga to control) went away completely.
My foggy mind started to clear.
Using my whole diaphragm changed ME.
I could feel my center in a way I never had before.
My boundaries improved.
I felt courageous.
I liked myself.
I noticed when I wasn't true to myself and pleased other people.
Spontaneous Healing
For chronic fatigue, post viral syndrome, and long covid. Short videos and gentle recorded yoga classes.
One time sliding scale fee.
$50 pay for yourself and others, no code needed.
Pay $25 for yourself with the code HEAL.
Use the code FREE to get it for free.
If you need it, please take it.
Spontaneous Yoga Membership
Includes Spontaneous Healing
Live online Spontaneous Yoga classes Tuesdays and Thursday mornings 7:30 AM EST/4:30 AM PST
Live online Breath and Gentle Movement classes Wednesday evenings 7:30 PM EST/4:30 PM PST
Recorded daily practices and workshops.
Email support.
$20 per month
Your first month is $1.00 with the code HEART. Cancel anytime.

All that change was not easy.
Under the people pleasing tendencies was deep seated anxiety that I still wrestle with. I also felt a sense of contentment. I had never been content before, despite years of spiritual practice and all my expertise.
Breathing with my whole diaphragm changed me at my core, physically and spiritually. It gave me courage to make big changes and heal. Now, I feel more alive than I have ever felt. I feel even more alive than when I could do three hot yoga classes a day.
New research supports my discovery that yoga, stress relief, and breath training aids chronic fatigue, post viral syndrome, and long covid recovery.
I don’t know if learning to breathe with your whole diaphragm will be as profound for you. I do know it helps. I see it every day in my students. I feel it every moment in myself.

Come practice yoga, meditate,
learn to breathe and
move from your heart with me.
Spontaneous Healing
For chronic fatigue, post viral syndrome, and long covid. Short videos and gentle recorded yoga classes.
One time sliding scale fee.
$50 pay for yourself and others, no code needed.
Pay $25 for yourself with the code HEAL.
Use the code FREE to get it for free.
If you need it, please take it.
Spontaneous Yoga Membership
Includes Spontaneous Healing
Live online Spontaneous Yoga classes Tuesdays and Thursday mornings 7:30 AM EST/4:30 AM PST
Live online Breath and Gentle Movement classes Wednesday evenings 7:30 PM EST/4:30 PM PST
Recorded daily practices and workshops.
Email support.
$20 per month
Your first month is $1.00 with the code HEART. Cancel anytime.
Trust is transformative
Trust that makes a healing connection is earned over time through listening, loving presence, and integrity. Trust opens the heart, allows the body space to heal, and frees creativity. Trust can happen through integrity, professionalism, and expertise.
I offer eight private sessions in a package called Spontaneous Shift. It’s my best guess, based on science and experience, as to the dose of yoga that shifts long standing patterns. It gives me time to earn your trust. I never just ask for it.
When I don’t know, I say so. I love working with other healthcare professionals. I refer promptly when needed. You'll have my expertise, listening ear, and heart supporting you. Connect to your own wisdom, try new things, and heal.
Long experience taught me to trust my students’ bodies. I take what you know and experience seriously.
Connect with me
Take class with Spontaneous Yoga Membership. First month is $1.00 with the code HEART. Cancel anytime.
Work one on one in private sessions.
Check out my free resources for stories, science, yoga, and healing.
Read my yoga research summary here.
Visit Frequently Asked Questions.