I’m not a healer. I want you to put me out of business.
This I know for sure. Just like a backbend feels the same, whether you’re hanging out with your head below your butt or barely pushing your chest up, bliss feels the same whether you’re ill and confined to your sickbed or running through the forest, vibrantly healthy.
I practiced my best yoga when I was severely, chronically fatigued. In my illness and pain, I knew exactly what gave me energy and what took it. Pleasing people felt like death. Gravity felt like love. I learned bliss in the depths of despair. (Yes, bliss is something you can learn and fairly predictably repeat.) I don’t want you to go to that dark place to learn it, so I teach.
Everything I do is geared towards my students experiencing their own essence, their own is-ness, their own heart. Everything I do is geared towards dismantling socialization that keeps us small, separate, and dependent on achieving or other people’s opinions.
I want you to experience the bliss of your own heart and move from that place. I guarantee you, you’ve got everything you need already inside you. It helps to have a loving healing presence. It helps to have a group of folks also moving from their hearts. It helps to have someone who understands trauma and injury and illness as a guide, so we can work skillfully with triggers and safely with your body.
There’s an old saying, “Give a person a fish, they eat for a day. Teach a person to fish, they’ll never go hungry again.” I don't want to heal you. I’m not a healer. I want to teach you how to heal yourself. I want there to be so many people so centered within themselves, effortlessly, naturally eating and sleeping and caring for themselves and their loved ones, that it puts people like me out of business. I’ll go learn to grow mushrooms and keep chickens.
Yes, you can heal yourself. We are naturally wired to heal ourselves and each other. Sometimes illness abates, sometimes it doesn’t. Less suffering, more bliss, more love is always possible. The bar for care has been set really low by our socialization. Let’s blow it sky high together.
To work in a group with me, join the Spontaneous Yoga Membership. Your first month is $1.00 with the code HEART. I also teach private sessions and yoga science.
Includes live online classes, a library of over 150 recorded classes, and email support for a high quality, regular yoga practice. Topics covered: breath, back, knees, shoulders, neck, pelvic floor, aiding respiratory system recovery, pain, and so much more! Classes include chair options. First month is $1.00 with the code HEART. Cancel anytime.