Follow rules or heal with joy and ease. You get to decide.
Excerpt from Spontaneous Yoga Membership class “Powerful hips and meditation on healing.”
There is a relationship between energy, consciousness, and matter. You can start with the matter, you can start with the consciousness, or you can start with the energy when you're healing.
Where you start depends on what needs healing.
It also depends on what you believe about healing. What you believe means what you feel, what you've been socialized to feel, or what you've experienced.
It depends on what you feel about healing deeply inside yourself.
You might feel like I have to do a bunch of stuff to my body in order to heal.
You might feel like someone else needs to heal me.
I need to take something.
Someone else needs to give me permission to heal.
You might feel like I need to shift my awareness and that will manifest healing.
Or, you might feel like “I need to connect.”
Out of that connection will arise the energy, the behaviors, the things that you might change through conscious, skillful action in order to heal.
When you use connection to heal, the energy, the behaviors, the things that change are effortless.
They feel blissful. You don't have to make yourself eat something or not eat something. You just salivate for the thing that will heal you. You desire it. It tastes delicious, or the gross taste of the herbs feels delicious.
Health becomes an expression of joy, an expression of devotion, an expression of connection and love and care for yourself and for the world around you.
That's not to say there's no suffering or there's no pain. There's still suffering and pain. There always will be, but when health arises out of connection and out of devotion, there is an element of pleasure, of uncaused joy, or of the peace that passes understanding
That doesn't mean that we should feel guilty or bad about disease or dysfunction or pain that's just a part of life. It's just a part of our world.
It just is.
That doesn't mean that sometimes you don't do things that cause your hair to fall out because you've tried so hard or the cause of feeling of emptiness because you've given so much. Sometimes there are things worth trying, worth attempting, worth doing that stress our systems. That's okay, too.
And you get to decide. Is that for me or is it not?
This is an excerpt from the class Powerful Hips and Meditation on Healing, recorded in Spontaneous Yoga Membership on 4/20/2023. Take the whole class in Spontaneous Yoga Membership.
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