Quick, easy low back pain tip

Quick tip for low back pain: find the bone in the middle of your chest and push it up to take some pressure off your low back. I'm doing it in the second picture above. I’m starting to back bend in a healthy way in the third picture.

You don’t have to be as flexible as I was in these pictures (a decade ago) to get the benefit!

You can do this standing or sitting. You can do it with your arms over your head, with your hands on your low back (palms on the back, thumbs out), with your arms out to the side, or with your arms hanging down.

Bonus: see if you can feel the spine between your shoulder blades start to contract and work as you push the bone in the middle of your chest up, up, UP.

I demonstrate this and teach about the low back, back bends, and much more live weekly in Spontaneous Yoga Membership. There’s also a recording if you can’t make the live class.

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I was still sick the first time I taught about the breath that changed my life.


The FIRST time I taught spontaneous yoga online!